Cab Treasure Review

11:02 AM

Customer Review

We are a leading provider of cutting-edge taxi dispatch and booking software. At Cab Treasure, we love to showcase our feedback. Read our reviews blog for the latest ones. You can also send yours to us via our website. Here is the latest customer review.

Eurosoft Tech Ltd has brought forth an efficient, fast and effective Taxi Booking and Dispatch Management System by the name of Cab Treasure. This system is one of its kinds that use state of the art technology. This system is designed for any Taxi or Private Hire company heedless of size of the company, number of drivers, financial status or location. Tracking drivers location, effortlessly managing jobs and maintaining a clear line of communication between support staff and driver has never been so easier thanks to Cab Treasure. Alex J. 

You can read more reviews on our website, where you can also learn more about our taxi dispatch services. Visit the Cab Treasure Reviews page here.

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  1. Most rubbish company total number 1 thieves and taking your money but not delivering what they promise biggest lies lying company or biggest corn company never trust would not recommend it to anybody please please stay away from this company if you are willing to lose the money you're most welcome

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